Email: innkeeper@murphysinn.ca
Phone: (902)525-2411 Mobile: 902-497-8687
HOW TO GET HERE: N 45°13.632 W 061°22.778
From Halifax: Highway and Secondary route – fastest. Follow Highway 102 to Truro for 100 km (60 mi); stay in right lane to turn east (right) onto the Trans Canada, Highway 104 and proceed 145 km (87 mi) (passing by New Glasgow, Antigonish and other interesting spots) to Monestary at Exit 37. Proceed to stop sign and turn left onto route 4. Turn right in 1.3 km (.8 mi) onto route 16 toward Guysborough and Canso for 31 km (19 mi). Turn right on Queen Street in Guysborough and proceed 2 km (1.2 mi) to turn right onto route 316. (easy turn to miss) Follow 316 for 25 km (15 mi). Stop sign in Larry’s River and Murphy’s Inn will be straight ahead on your immediate left.
Or, you could take route 107 east out of Dartmouth. This changes to route 7 and follows the Eastern Shore. Very scenic – although road can be “a little rough”. When you get just past Sherbrook (home of historic and gorgeous Sherbrook Village) you will see route 211 on your right toward Port Bickerton. (be sure and fuel-up and make use of washroom facilities in Sherbrook because next fuel and facilities are about two hours away) This connects you with a small cable-ferry ($5 for car). Off the ferry, 211 connects with route 316 after a short distance. Turn right and follow 38 km (24 mi) 316 to Larry’s River. In a little more than a half hour you will enter Larry’s River. Murphy’s Inn will be a short distance ahead on the right side.
From Tourism Nova Scotia Welcome Centre (Highway 104 – New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border)
Trans Canada Route: Follow Highway 104 to Truro for 107 km (67 mi) note: at 89 km/55mi you will approach the only toll on 107. Passenger car is $4.00; At Truro interchange, continue 145 km (87 mi) (passing by New Glasgow, Antigonish and other interesting spots) to Monestary at Exit 37. Proceed to stop sign and turn left onto route 4. Turn right in 1.3 km (.8 mi) onto route 16 toward Guysborough and Canso for 31 km (19 mi). Turn right on Queen Street in Guysborough and proceed 2 km (1.2 mi) to turn right onto route 316. (easy turn to miss) Follow 316 for 25 km (15 mi). Stop sign in Larry’s River and Murphy’s Inn will be straight ahead on your immediate left.
Route 6 Route: Follow Highway 6 in Amherst until you come to the junction of Route 106; turn right and proceed to 104 (Trans Canada). Take 104 East (toward Antigonish, Cape Breton) to Monestary at Exit 37. Proceed to stop sign and turn left onto route 4. Turn right in 1.3 km (.8 mi) onto route 16 toward Guysborough and Canso for 31 km (19 mi). Turn right on Queen Street in Guysborough and proceed 2 km (1.2 mi) to turn right onto route 316. (easy turn to miss) Follow 316 for 25 km (15 mi). Stop sign in Larry’s River and Murphy’s Inn will be straight ahead on your immediate left.
From North Sydney Ferry Terminal:
If you are coming from Newfoundland/Labrador or coming from your travels around the Cabot Trail, these routes will each be an interesting journey. Sydney to Murphy’s Inn in Larry’s River: Route 105 will take you about 2.5 hours (227 km/141 mi); route 223 will take you about 3 hours. It is very scenic and has a $5 cable-ferry crossing at Little Narrows (216 km/134 mi); Route 4 will take you about 3 hours. It follows the south-east side of the Bras d’Or Lakes (233 km/145 mi).
After crossing the causeway to the mainland, you travel west on 104 (TransCanada) and make a turn at Exit 37 in Monestary. Proceed to stop sign and turn left onto route 4. Turn right in 1.3 km (.8 mi) onto route 16 toward Guysborough and Canso for 31 km (19 mi). Turn right on Queen Street in Guysborough and proceed 2 km (1.2 mi) to turn right onto route 316. (easy turn to miss) Follow 316 for 25 km (15 mi). Stop sign in Larry’s River and Murphy’s Inn will be straight ahead on your immediate left.
Route Map: Sydney to Larry’s River

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